I thought I may share with you all a small list of my tips for life with kids and cameras.
1. Always have your camera loaded, charged and ready for action. I place mine on my (very high) kitchen counter. If I waited to pull out my camera for posed moments I would miss my real life. When G puts frosting on M' nose, or when B is painting quietly at the table, icecream sundae night and mac and cheese lunches, this is real life (at least mine, some people are shopping for purses and sipping fruity drinks).
2. Photograph your children's rooms, it will mean a lot to them and you in the future.
3. Put them in good lighting (always turn off the flash)
4. Drop your expectations for nice posed photos and you just might get the best ones you have ever taken.
5. Back up all of your photos to disks and external harddrives. If you don't have the time now to scrapbook or create albums (what is free time again?), at least make your children disks of all the photos you take, they are cheap and they are priceless.
6. Hire a professional (like me) haha.. or at least get some photos with you in them...your kids will want to see you too.
7. Every once in a while dress up and have some photos taken of just you. I think it is good to look at yourself as a person, a woman, not just a Mom. Buy a colorful scarf,, a new outfit, give these photos to your kids so they can pass them on to thier kids and someday a child will say "this is my Great Grandmother, isn't she beautiful."
8. Here is a tip that has saved me shelves and shelves of space, lots of worry and guilt. You can't throw away your childs art, you can't save every peice, and the ones you do want to save start to fall apart. I photograph every peice of art on the day it comes home with my children holding it and the art by itself. So 2 photographs, I catogories digital files by year and age, and back them up to harddrives, etc. When they grow up and I am sitting with my tissues in thier empty rooms, I want to choose my favorites from the files and print them large for the walls.
9. Leave your camera at home. I don't recommend this often, but for example: My G and I now have a G and Mommy morning, 2 hours. He wanted to go to the beach and I, of course, start packing up the camera gear. I started thinking, I have the towels, our picnic, his favorite action figures, and what if my little boy wants me to carry him. Now, I have my 8 month old M that I am always holding and to be honest I jump at the chance where I have free arms to hold my little boy again..but I can't if I have my camera. I put the camera down and instead we chose shells, painted them for memories, and I hugged, held and cherished my G and my time with him.
10. Buy a good camera! It is worth it. Your not just a Mom. HA! Among all of your other duties, it is your job to document history for your children and all future generations.
Sweet Dreams...
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
How Fast it Goes
remembering my princess at 9 days old...I just don't know how to change as quickly as the time does...
images taken my good friend Shannon Livingston.
Me & M
Happy Little M
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Mommy to Mommy - Sabrina Permuth
Matt keeps asking me what are the positives of parenthood? As I tell him about all of the magazine articles detailing what to expect and all the sleepless nights... it is no wonder he feels that way now. The thing is I can't put into words the feeling that comes from being a parent. I never knew what love was until I fell in love with my son ten and half years ago... I have to tell you... I never could have loved Matt the way I do now if I hadn't first experienced the love between a mother and a child.
I stopped trying to explain to him what the positives of parenthood are because I know if just a few weeks he is going to discover them for himself. The irony of parenthood is... yes it is the most difficult challenge anyone ever faces. But we all keep doing it... because beyond words... parenthood is the most selflessly rewarding experience. We get to experience innocence again. I get to look into my eyes starring back at me or maybe it will be my smile or who knows that silly little expression I get when something strikes me just the right way and I get lost in the moment. Children are amazing because they are like doorways into our own soles... but still different because TWO people came together to make them.
I am so excited about my daughters arrival... I can't wait to photograph her and freeze some of those first few magically moments right where they are. I will always have them in my heart but boy... it sure is nice to have the actual paper (or digital image these days) to go back to... because it doesn't just bring back that one moment, but all the moments that lead up to it and surround it. Everytime I look at our wedding pictures I get a different story... you are incredible! I can't wait to do it all again with Sydney!!!
From one dreamer to the next... talk to you again soon.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Around the World
Not that I love to show off my son's very messy room, but I thought I would share with you all his love for the world and learning about new places. The best thing we did for his room was get him a world map. Everyday we practice the places and talk about where we would like to go. There is no pressure if he wants to stop for the time, but he is inspired to know more about the world and the people in it. We have Africa corner, Eiffel Towers, Big Ben's, the Planets, some stars...we are currently in search of the Pyramids in Egypt.We decided to make his room a beautiful, messy, piece of art that teachs him about whatever he wants to know. I am so proud of him....
Friday, September 18, 2009
Good Morning New Life
I am starting a blog, yes, another one. I also blog for our photography business, photos are the only thing besides my children and family, that provide me with the same passion as they do. But I am ready to honest with myself, my children have taken over my being, my whole self and life. I am with them everyday: morning, noon and night, sometimes very far into the night.I find more joy in watching them build castles out of cheese and making pirate cupcakes then I do in, well almost everything. If I could make a living photographing their every second on earth, I would be there in a heartbeat.
So, if anyone knows me from my professional life, let me re-introduce you to the me that lives everyday for my family. I have a husband, 3 children, lets call my 7 month old M, for Madison, my 3 year old G, for Gavin, and my 9 year old B, for Brendan, and my dog S, for Sadie or S for save me from all these little grabby hands and bouncing boys. We are all growing, changing, learning everyday about what we are all made of. Having and raising children is by far the most difficult task I have ever attempted. It is like the 24 hour ER, gourmet snack bar, therapy session, janitorial position, with some extra exhaustion on the side. Not to mention it comes as the most emotionally invested job you have ever had or thought possible. It is transforming, metamorphosing, I don't think there is anything else quite like motherhood.
My hope is just to share with other Moms, bounce ideas off each other, tell stories, laugh in those 2 minutes I get to myself before bed before the next disaster happens. I really don't know if I am doing this all the right way, so mabe if anyone is listening you can help...
My M
So, if anyone knows me from my professional life, let me re-introduce you to the me that lives everyday for my family. I have a husband, 3 children, lets call my 7 month old M, for Madison, my 3 year old G, for Gavin, and my 9 year old B, for Brendan, and my dog S, for Sadie or S for save me from all these little grabby hands and bouncing boys. We are all growing, changing, learning everyday about what we are all made of. Having and raising children is by far the most difficult task I have ever attempted. It is like the 24 hour ER, gourmet snack bar, therapy session, janitorial position, with some extra exhaustion on the side. Not to mention it comes as the most emotionally invested job you have ever had or thought possible. It is transforming, metamorphosing, I don't think there is anything else quite like motherhood.
My hope is just to share with other Moms, bounce ideas off each other, tell stories, laugh in those 2 minutes I get to myself before bed before the next disaster happens. I really don't know if I am doing this all the right way, so mabe if anyone is listening you can help...

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